Tractor Mounted Grader Blades
Simple hardworking grader blades
These tractor mounted grader blades prove themselves invaluable simple to use tools time and time again.
With countless examples out working in arduous conditions with road repair contractors and many more with estates and land owners. These graders are suitable for the maintenance of cambers and gradients, ensuring water movements on roads and a comfortable profiled running surface.
Being mounted onto the tractors three point linkage and towed the forces naturally want to pull straight. Looking over the shoulder the driver has a clear view of how much material there is on the blade and can quickly make small adjustments to optimise the form of the road or trackway.
These units are 2.5m wide with 250mm extensions available as bolt on options. The 2.5m wide blade proves optimal as with extensions fitted operators find that an aggressive angle is required to "lose" the width, whereas a flatter blade angle can employed with etc standard 2.5m.
Full hydraulic movement
Full hydraulic movement with a huge degree of oscillation ensures the flexibility of these machines and demonstrates that they can economically carry out the tasks of much more complicated units.
Standard hydraulic movements are:
- Grader Blade Pitch
- Grader Blade Yaw
- Grader Offset behind the tractor
With little practise operators can quickly become accomplished in shaping a road way. The same is critical in road projects as this provides the life span of the road.
Have a look at our associated Road and Track maintenance equipment
Depth Wheels
Mounted with depth wheels makes the Grader Blades easy to use for a simple and effective tool. The blade runs on the worked - graded - surface and as such follows this level bringing the uneven surface into a controlled graded state. Setting the adjustment of these wheels in relation to the cutting edge of the blade ensures that the blade wants to follow correctly.
Please call us for further details and to talk through your requirements.
A properly shaped road is fundamental to its performance and life time.
The principle of a well shaped road formed of correctly sized material sitting onto solid foundations is one that should be followed. Tractor mounted grader blades facilitate regular easy road shaping.
Material Sizing and Avoiding Over Grading
The correct sizing of the material provides a matrix whereby the material is locked together and water is shed. The principle suggests having just enough fine material on the top of the road which gets progressively larger the deeper you go down through the road profile.
Keeping the correct size of stone in the correct road profile is made easy with a readily controllable grader blade. The use of excavators or levelling bars often results in not only a poor road shape but this is compounded by oversize material being brought to the surface and fine material buried.
By having the control of the three way hydraulic functions users can make decisive grading actions quickly and with confidence. This prevents the "over grading" seen from repetitive, ineffectual, light grading passes where fine material passes beneath the blade. Clearly this leaves the over size material unable to pass under the blade and gets carried up and down the road.
Over size material on the surface without binding will "ravel" and wash out to the sides of the road from traffic. The movement of this material will leave surface voids and deformations which will create standing water problems.
The control of the size and grading of the material is often made by using one of our Kirpy Stone Crushers.
Water Movement
Where possible the roadways need to be graded to shed the water. the aim must be that for every meter run of road way the shaping should shed a meters worth of water. For many reasons this is not always possible and compromises have to be made down to the experience or skill of the operator.
The road can be shaped to fall from a centre camber or to fall one way or the other. Often a combination of both will be required to accommodate how the road way sits in its surroundings. The dissipation of the water should always be paramount and any focusing of water movement avoided.
Of equal importance is that the ground around the road can both accommodate and move the water away from the road. Clearly ditches need to be lower than the road and topography that brings excess drainage water onto the road needs addressing.
Whilst these factors can present more of an art form than a science there can be nothing more frustrating than knowing what is required yet not having equipment to achieve it.
Many users have benefitted from the cost effective road maintenance that can be quickly made with our graders.
It can be the case that grants are available and sustainable construction and maintenance methods should be employed.
We would be happy to talk through your requirements and try to answer any question you may have.